Accessibility & Mobility

Mission Statement

Padda Care Home is dedicated to promoting the Rights of the residents and recognising that each person is unique and are individuals.  Offering a service that is individual to them in a person centred manner is our aim. This will be achieved through compiling care plans that reflect that persons wishes and aspirations, allowing them to have a say in all aspects of their lives.   Using this approach we will enable and not disable, we will maintain as much of the persons independence as is possible.

We strive to allow them to lead the lives they choose and for it to be fulfilled and enjoyable. We want to create a homely warm welcoming environment to them as well as families, create an open door policy that will promote open discussion.

Activities will be offered at the home that will stimulate and enhance overall well being, visual activities that promote discussion will be under taken at the home, using photographs, illustrated books to trigger historical memories will be used. Music and films will be integral to this process.

The service we provide will be transparent and will always be in the best interest of the people who live there.  We will give residents, families and all health care professionals the opportunity to work alongside us and have an input into the decision making process at Padda Care Home.


Quality Assurance

Padda Care Home will be inspected and will comply with the regulatory requirements set out by the Care Inspectorate Wales. The service we provide will need to be measurable and achievable, we must as a service provide evidence that we are actively reviewing, monitoring and improving.

Mr Kuldeep Singh (responsible individual) and as the Director of the company will make three monthly visits to Padda Care Homes under regulation 27, these visits are a monitoring tool and will be used to compile a yearly quality assurance report. This process will monitor quality and effectiveness of the service, safety and any environmental issues, staffing issues and any outstanding queries from any previous visits.

Karen Jones the manager I will be responsible on a day to day basis of ensuring the service we say we can provide is being provided. The equipment and structures are in place to enable staff to provide a quality service.  Ensuing staff are aware of individuals goals wishes and aspirations is essential.  Staff at Padda Care Homes will be aware of their responsibility within this process and be encouraged to discuss issues to improve the quality of service, overall health and wellbeing being the ultimate aim.

At Padda Care Homes we will ensure that all processes are reviewed regularly, documents such as care plans become working documents where changes can be made and implemented fully.  Staff, residents and families are given every opportunity to be involved and have a voice. This can be achieved through residents and family meetings, staff meetings, supervision sessions and general discussion daily.  Using a collective approach to providing a quality service is paramount.

A quality assurance report will be compiled yearly, information will be gathered using staff, residents and any stake holder’s questionnaires.  Information gathered from the regulation 27 visits, staff and resident’s meetings will also be used.  Quality assurance tools will be used to build our service and recognise where things can be improved or changed.

Any complaints that are received will be dealt with under the organisations policies and procedures, all will be dealt with in accordance to time scales set out.  We will endeavour to provide, build upon and create a culture that will ensure the best possible outcome is achieved for those choosing to live at Padda Care Homes.


Mobility Statement

The home is wheelchair with even floors throughout and no steps and well lit in all areas. There is access to all parts of the building across the first and second floor serviced by an internal lift and fully compliant.